Simply put, we were fed up with the waste in the construction industry, with everyone chasing their tails to simply get information.

That’s why we built ProBud. One tool used across the project to reduce conversations and improve communication

Help us understand the best way to address your specific needs.


At ProBud, we are dedicated to revolutionising construction project management. Founded in 2023 by a team of experienced builders, we understand the unique challenges faced by builders and the complexities involved in managing construction tasks and budgets. Our expertise in the construction industry has driven us to develop a software solution that simplifies processes, enhances accuracy, and promotes transparency.


Our mission at ProBud is simple yet impactful: to empower builders with a powerful and user-friendly tool that simplifies construction project management. We aim to streamline workflows, eliminate data discrepancies, and provide real-time updates, ultimately enhancing accuracy and transparency throughout the project lifecycle. Our commitment is to make construction project management a seamless and efficient experience for builders, ensuring their success and project profitability.


What sets ProBud apart from competitors is our deep understanding of the construction industry and our commitment to addressing the specific needs of builders. Our software is designed by builders, for builders, ensuring that it encompasses the essential features and functionalities required for successful construction project management. With ProBud, builders can experience:

Streamlined collaboration:

Our software brings together programme tasks and finance line items, allowing teams in the field and the office to access real-time information and collaborate seamlessly.

Accurate data and insights:

ProBud provides real-time data updates, enabling builders to make informed decisions and respond promptly to project challenges.

Simplified processes:

We eliminate the need for multiple tools by providing an all-in-one solution that centralises construction project management tasks.

User-friendly interface:

Our software is designed with builders in mind, ensuring ease of use and intuitive navigation for maximum efficiency.


At ProBud, our dedication to customer success goes beyond providing exceptional software. We are committed to supporting our users throughout their journey. Our team is readily available to provide customer support, training resources, and assistance to ensure a smooth adoption and optimal usage of ProBud. We value our customers and are here to help them maximise the benefits of our software, empowering them to achieve their construction project goals.


At ProBud, we understand the importance of security and privacy in the construction industry. We are committed to safeguarding your sensitive project data and protecting your privacy throughout your ProBud experience.

Robust Data Protection:

We employ industry-standard security measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data. Your information is stored securely, and we continuously monitor and update our systems to stay ahead of potential threats.

Secure Infrastructure:

ProBud operates on a secure infrastructure, utilising encrypted connections and robust firewalls to protect your data from unauthorised access. We prioritise the implementation of advanced security technologies to maintain a safe environment for your valuable information.

Privacy Compliance:

We adhere to strict privacy standards and comply with applicable data protection regulations. Your data is treated with the utmost confidentiality and is never shared with third parties without your explicit consent.

Data Ownership:

At ProBud, we firmly believe that you should retain full ownership of your project data. We do not claim any rights over the information you store within our software. You have complete control over who has access to your data and can manage permissions accordingly.

We prioritise the security and privacy of your data because we understand that trust is crucial in the construction industry. Rest assured that ProBud is committed to providing a secure and reliable platform, allowing you to focus on your projects with confidence.